During exam period, we all need our breaks: exploring new things, exercising the body and clearing the mind from our daily struggles. And what better way to do just th
at than by going on a road-trip with friends! We decided to go to Bath, a three-hour drive across vast fields of green. Time enough to sing to the radio, to play the guitar, to pray, to admire nature and to get to know each other better. Once in Bath we had a lovely picnic with cheese and pâté specially imported from France! We walk
ed across Bath, visiting the Abbey, the Roman Baths, the Royal Crescent, the “Circus”, and wandered around the town learning about the history of Bath from a very accurate source.
After a nice cup of tea and hot chocolate, we decided to drive to Stonehenge, a one-hour drive from Bath. This was to find out that the last tickets had been sold. However we didn’t give up and decided to see the prehistoric monument from another road close to it. Despite the rain and the strong winds, we were able to get pretty good pictures! We continued our journey back to London; again, wrapping up the day with acoustic singing and playing the guitar in the car, and a wonderful late dinner in Ashwell House. The perfect daytrip.